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Heritage Behavioral Health Foundation is a local Tucson nonprofit focusing on behavioral health life enhancement techniques. Pro-active Therapy is streamlining extracurricular activities to community resources such as sports, art, music, business, technology, and vocational trades. Life Enhancement assists the client and the household to address any obstacles to present and future goals such as finances, jobs, education, training, or transportation by creating practical plans and managing to follow up on those plans until the desired results are achieved and maintained. 


Our P.A.T.L.E program is a unique evidence-based approach that greatly improves chances for success in recovery in treatment by engaging in pro-social activities and interests, removing barriers to social determinants of health, using CBT and MI to reframe interpretations of life while strengthening self-efficacy with analogies connected to the activities and interest to achieve measurable outcomes consistent with the client’s sustained improved life and environment.

Our Vision

Community, dedication, and life-enhancement. These three values have stood at the center of the Heritage Behavioral Health Foundation's mission since our founding in 2021. We chose the name Heritage for our foundation because we believe it is through the things we inherit and what we lea We wholeheartedly commit to the work we do for the community through innovative life-enhancement techniques. We challenge ourselves to think creatively, applying an innovative approach to all that we do to help treat behavioral health issues. Our goal is to connect therapeutic practices with community engagement to enhance our clients' lives, our community, and each other. We chose the name Heritage for our foundation because we believe it is through our heritage that this can be achieved. Either by honoring our current heritage or by building a new, more positive one. This vision drives the dedication of Heritage Behavioral Health Foundation.


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Ways to Help

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We are always looking for new and enthusiastic volunteers.

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We are always looking for community partnerships and opportunities.

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We are always looking for talented individuals to join our team.

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